

Arthritis is a chronic, lifelong disease that causes uncertainty in daily life – making it hard for people to care for family, manage work, participate in leisure activities and more.

While research to find a cure and new medications is important, people also need self-care solutions to deal with challenges caused by arthritis in their everyday lives.

Researchers at Arthritis Research Canada cover the gamut of health services research, including practical research that helps people thrive despite arthritis. What self-management or self-care strategies work? What types of physical activity can help? What modifications or adaptations in the workplace or in the home enable people to live productive and satisfying lives?

Click the links below to learn more about some of this critical research.

Self-Care Research Papers

Research by Topic

Research Scientist

Dr. Catherine Backman, PhD, FCAOT

Dr. Catherine Backman, PhD, FCAOT

Senior Scientist, Arthritis Research Canada


Dr. Catherine Backman is Professor Emerita in the Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy at the University of British Columbia and a Senior Scientist at Arthritis Research Canada.  (The “emeritus” title is a fancy way of saying she’s retired from UBC). An occupational therapist, she taught in the UBC occupational therapy professional program for many years, and supervised rehabilitation sciences graduate student research.

Catherine’s studies at Arthritis Research Canada focused on the impact of chronic illness on participation in life activities (such as parenting and employment), disruption in activities, and the effect of rehabilitation interventions. A particular interest was how people experience/balance life roles and occupations – the very practical implications of getting on with life despite arthritis.