Story to Share

Has arthritis affected you?


At Arthritis Research Canada, we involve patients in all aspects of the research process. That’s because patients live and breathe arthritis every day and bring invaluable insight to our research teams.

We also collect arthritis stories because sharing lived experiences helps create awareness about this disease, which affects millions of Canadians.

Arthritis is often invisible and misunderstood. If you live with arthritis, or care for someone with arthritis, you can play an important role in explaining the disease to the general public. Please consider sending us your photo and a brief description of your story. We will then reach out to you, schedule a phone conversation and write your story for you. 

We regularly feature stories on our website, in our quarterly newsletter and across social media platforms. Please be assured that information is held in confidence and that no stories will be published without final approval. If you have any concerns in this regard, please read our Privacy Policy.

Arthritis is more serious than most people think. Thank you for playing a role in making arthritis awareness and research a priority.


Arthritis doesn’t discriminate. It impacts everyone.

Ready to share your story?


Please email your brief description and photo to

with the following subject line: Story to Share