ROAR 2016

Reaching Out with Arthritis Research - Public Forum


Action on Arthritis: Steps to a better you

Listen. Learn. Ask questions. #eROAR


With rapid changes in access to health care information and health technologies, managing your chronic disease is becoming more collaborative and patient-centred. The ROAR 2016 public forum featured a group of researchers from Arthritis Research Canada who are at the forefront of these changes. They shared what the latest research, developed in collaboration with patients, is telling us about arthritis care and self-management. Updates on current research were presented in a relaxed and informative series of talks for people with arthritis and those who care for them.

Speaker Topics & Presentation Slides



d_lecailleYou Don’t Have To Quit: Working with Inflammatory Arthritis


Dr. Diane Lacaille, Rheumatologist, Professor & Associate Head of Academic Affairs, Department of Medicine, University of British Columbia

Dr. Lacaille speaks about supporting people with inflammatory arthritis in dealing with employment issues, preventing work disability, and improving at-work productivity.

presentation-isle_grey Presentation Slides
videos Presentation Video


h_choi-s_rai-1Better Control of Your Gout: What you can do now


Dr. Hyon Choi, Rheumatologist and Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, and Sharan Rai, UBC Master’s Candidate

Dr.Choi and Sharan Rai speak about diet dos and don’ts, lifestyle changes and medication options in the management of gout.

presentation-isle_grey Presentation Slides
videos Presentation Video


l_liUsing Your Activity Tracker Results to Work With Your Health Care Professional


Dr. Linda Li, Physical Therapist, Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, University of British Columbia

Dr. Li speaks about empowering yourself with education, knowledge and fitness-tracking technology and working with physios as coaches to find the right options for you.

presentation-isle_grey Presentation Slides
videos Presentation Video


c_backmanBalancing Life Activities in the Presence of Arthritis


Dr. Catherine Backman, Occupational Therapist, Professor, Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy, University of British Columbia

Dr. Backman speaks about mindfulness activities and health and well-being, providing more self-management options for people with arthritis.

presentation-isle_grey Presentation Slides
videos Presentation Video


c_barberA Patient’s Guide to Managing Cardiovascular Risk in Rheumatoid Arthritis


Dr. Claire Barber, Rheumatologist and Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Calgary

People with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. Dr. Barber outlines how to prevent heart attacks and strokes in people with RA and how working with your doctor can help achieve the best outcome through earlier screening and better management of risk factors.

presentation-isle_grey Presentation Slides
videos Presentation Video


j_leese-g_macdonaldThe Joys and Challenges of Activity Trackers


Jenny Leese, UBC PhD candidate and Graham MacDonald, MA, Research Assistant at Arthritis Research Canada

Jenny Leese and Graham MacDonald detail the many issues involved in the use of activity monitors for people with arthritis and for health care professionals. When activity monitors are introduced to arthritis patients and health care professionals the reactions are complex, interesting and sometimes surprising!

presentation-isle_grey Presentation Slides

Please Contact Us for more information on this presentation.


ROAR 2016 – Speaker Panel Discussion


The presenters answer questions from the in-person and webcast audience.

videos Presentation Video

Thank You


We would like to thank the members of our Arthritis Patient Advisory Board for their work in presenting the patient perspective, the Ismaili Council for British Columbia in providing volunteer support and the wonderful venue, and all the additional volunteers who contributed their time to make ROAR a success.

We acknowledge the financial support of The Province of British Columbia



If you attended the public forum or viewed the webcast, please consider filling out the short survey via the link below. It helps us plan future public forums and your feedback is kept confidential. Thank you in advance for your consideration.

The short survey is found here:

On Twitter? Search #eROAR or visit @Arthritis_ARC to review the online chat from the event.

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