Impact of Arthritis Medications on the Mother and Child During Pregnancy and Beyond



Scientific Study Title:

Following maternal, neonatal, and childhood outcomes associated with use of arthritis medications perinatally (FAMILY)



Study Start Date:

February 2023

End Date:

January 2026



Why Do This Research?

Different types of arthritis strike people during their childbearing years. We have some information about the effects of arthritis medications on the baby, however, less data exists on the impacts later in childhood and on the person with arthritis who gave birth. We know even less about ways that newer drugs, such as biosimilars are being used during pregnancy and their impacts on the mother and child after giving birth.



What Will Be Done?

State-of-the-art statistical methods will use “big data” to analyze British Columbia healthcare records of those women who are pregnant and have arthritis. The use of arthritis medications during pregnancy will be correlated to the health of birthing parents and their children. This will inform future treatment decisions for women with arthritis in their childbearing years.


Who Is Involved?

This study will be completed using Administrative Health Data.



How do people get involved?

The project will use data that is already collected so there is no participant recruitment.



Research Team

Principal Investigator:

Dr. Mary De Vera, PhD, Senior Scientist, Arthritis Research Canada (University of British Columbia)


Neda Amiri, BSc, MD, MHSC, FRCPC Clinician Investigator, Arthritis Research Canada (University of British Columbia)
Corisande Baldwin, MD, FRCPC, Adult Rheumatologist, Victoria BC
Stephanie Ensworth (University of British Columbia)
Eric C Sayre, PhD
Laura Schummers (University of British Columbia)
Nevena Rebic, BSc (Pharm), MSc (Pharm) Candidate,  Arthritis Research Canada Trainee (University of British Columbia)

Patient Partner:

Laurie Proulx




Funding Agency

The Arthritis Society