A Web-Based Interactive Navigator, MyArthritisGuide, to Support Self-Management in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Scientific Study Title:
MyArthritisGuide for rheumatoid arthritis will improve patient’s activation towards self-care
Study Start Date:
June 2018
End Date:
June 2020
Why Do This Research?
We want to make sure that patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can receive personalized information to help them understand their disease better. Patients should have the information easily available, whenever they need it and based on reliable and clear sources.
What Will Be Done?
We will create an online interactive navigator modeled on the existing MyLupusGuide. MyArthritisGuide will provide tailored information to patients with RA. Our specific aims are: (1) list the informational needs that will help patients with RA make good personal decisions and healthy choices in the management of their disease; (2) create a Table of Contents highlighting the most important topics (3) populate the Table of Contents with sound information and (4) test the beta version of MyArthritisGuide with patients; (5) make MyArthritisGuide available online and study its impact.
Who Is Involved?
Patients, topical experts, interviewers, and medical writers. We will test the beta version with 10 French and 10 English speaking patients. Everyone visiting the website MyArthritisGuide will periodically be offered to participate in an online study.
How do people get involved?
We will use social media (Facebook and Twitter advertisements) to inform as many people as we can reach about MyArthritisGuide, and also send e-mails to our partner’s mailing lists. People visiting the MyArthritisGuide website will periodically be offered to participate in surveys.
Research Team
Principal Investigator:
Paul Fortin, MD, MPH, FRCPC, Senior Scientist, Rheumatology, Arthritis Research Canada (Université Laval)
Deborah Da Costa, PhD, Research Scientist, Psychology (McGill University)
Murray Rochon
Research Staff:
Carolyn Neville
Funding Agency
Canadian Initiative for Outcomes in Rheumatology cAre (CIORA)