Individualizing rheumatoid arthritis therapy

This study will develop a personalized decision tool to help patients choose the best treatment for them


Scientific Study title:

Personalizing the choice of therapy in rheumatoid arthritis.


Principal Investigator:

Glen Hazlewood – MD, PhD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor, Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
Research Scientist, Arthritis Research Canada

George Wells – MSc, PhD
Professor, School of Epidemiology and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa



Start Date: 

April 2022

End Date:

March 2026



Why do this research?

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease that can affect adults of any age. People living with rheumatoid arthritis have difficulty with every day activities, due to joint pain, swelling and fatigue. Medications, called ‘disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs’ (DMARDs) are used to control joint inflammation. Today, there are many medications available, so determining the ‘best’ treatment option for a patient should be based on the most current data and patient preferences.



What will be done?

In this study we will develop a personalized decision tool to help patients choose the best treatment option for them. Data will be analyzed from all trials conducted to date and from over 10,000 patients in Canada. A risk calculator will be developed to assess treatment benefits and risk, for each patient. Guidelines will be developed along with this tool and implemented into clinical practice. The goal is to develop a tool to help patients select the best treatment for them.

It is intended that the tool will be utilized in the rheumatology office by the patient and physician together.



Who is involved? 

The research team includes several rheumatologists, researchers and patient partners from across Canada.



Who is on the research team?


Nick Bansback, Claire Barber, Cheryl Barnabe, Claire Bombardier, Vivian Bykerk, Alexandra Charlton, Denis Choquette, Rob Deardon, Jesse Elliott, Mohammed Mujaab Kamso, Shannon Kelly, Laurie Proulx, Dawn Richards, Orit Schieir, Jocelyn Thomas



Have questions about this research?

Please feel free to contact us at



Funding Agency:

Canadian Institutes of Health Research