Québec-Based Patient Group Looks Forward to Annual Walk
Patients intéressés par la recherche sur l’arthrite (PIRA) – Arthritis Research Canada’s Québec-based patient advisory group – will hold its second annual PIRA walk to raise awareness and funds to support arthritis research on October 13th.
PIRA acts as a bridge between all those involved in arthritis research at provincial and national levels and the general public. The group strives to share knowledge between patients and researchers and to make findings easily accessible and understandable.
The PIRA walk will take place on Saturday, October 13th on the Promenade Samuel-De-Champlain (Québec City, QC) starting at 10 AM.
Details about the walk will be available on the PIRA Facebook page: PIRA – Patients intéressés par la recherché sur l’arthrite.
All donations to PIRA go to Arthritis Research Canada’s Québec centre.
To make an online contribution, please visit: https://www.arthritisresearch.ca/support-us/pira-walk An official income tax receipt will be automatically issued for all donations. Please support the PIRA Walk to benefit arthritis research!