How an Individualized Decision Aid for Patients Considering Total Knee Replacement Surgery Can Help Them to Make Better Decisions



Scientific Study Title:

Effectiveness of an individualized decision aid for total knee arthroplasty implemented in routine clinical practice



Study Start Date:

September 2022

End Date:

August 2024



Why Do This Research?

The goals of this project are to provide patients with a tool to support shared decision making, improve the quality of patients’ decisions and enhance quality of care for patients considering total knee replacement surgery.



What Will Be Done?

In a previous EuroQoL-funded research study, we developed and tested the effectiveness of an online individualized decision aid for patients considering total knee replacement surgery. We found that patients completing the decision aid were more likely to make a quality decision about surgery compared to those who did not complete the decision aid. Building off this proof of concept, we are now implementing the decision aid in routine care in Alberta.



Who Is Involved?

• Albertans with osteoarthritis considering total knee replacement surgery
• Orthopedic clinics across Alberta
• Alberta Bone and Joint Health Institute
• Researchers at the University of Alberta and the University of Calgary
• APERSU (Alberta PROMS and EQ-5D Research and Support Unit)



How can people get involved?

Not applicable; this is being implemented into routine clinical care in Alberta only.



Equity, Diversity and Inclusion 

The online individualized decision aid ensures information provided to patients is specific to each patient (individualized) and uses non-gendered images/icons. Development and testing of the decision aid involved patients from diverse background and did not restrict based on age, gender, or race/ethnicity. The data used within the decision aid is based on all Albertans.



Research Team

Principal Investigator:

Jeffrey A Johnson, PhD, Professor, School of Public Health, University of Alberta

Deborah A. Marshall, PhD, Senior Scientist, Health Services Research and Health Economics, Arthritis Research Canada (University of Calgary);



Lisa Wozniak,

Ademola Itiola,

Chris Smith



Funding Agency

EuroQol Research Foundation