The Arthritis Newsletter
Summer 2021

Sun Smart Guide

Living with arthritis? Don’t fear the dog days of summer. We’ve got some tips to get you ready to kick back, relax and enjoy the warmer months.

2021 ARThritis Soirée

Thank you! The first-ever virtual version of the event raised over $315,000 to support life-changing arthritis research.

Yoga for Arthritis

Looking for a way to get active? Consider yoga! It’s gentle, low-impact and research shows it can improve strength, joint flexibility, and even mood.

Meet Sandra Sova

She’s lived with rheumatoid arthritis her whole life but it’s not holding her back. In fact, she’s now a driving force for arthritis awareness.

Experts Join Forces for Arthritis Research

New Quebec centre unites Arthritis Research Canada scientists, researchers from other disciplines, students, patients, physicians and more for an important cause: arthritis research.