
Arthritis Research Canada scientist honoured with prestigious investigator award


Dr. Diane Lacaille to receive accolade for outstanding contributions to rheumatology

Arthritis Research Canada’s Associate Scientific Director, Dr. Diane Lacaille, will receive the Distinguished Investigator Award from the Canadian Rheumatology Association on March 1st, 2019 at the organization’s Scientific Meeting in Montreal.

The award is given to a researcher who has made outstanding contributions to rheumatology around the world and who has furthered rheumatology research in Canada through the development of a major research program and innovative and significant research activity.

“From establishing an internationally recognized health services research program in arthritis care and employment to pioneering the use of administrative data for quality of care, Dr. Lacaille’s work has had a profound impact on optimizing the delivery of care for people living with rheumatoid arthritis around the globe,” said Dr. John Esdaile, Arthritis Research Canada’s Scientific Director.

Dr. Lacaille has drawn attention to the huge toll of cardiovascular, infectious, pulmonary complications of rheumatoid arthritis, and the importance of controlling inflammation with medications to prevent complications, morbidity and premature mortality. Her employment research has highlighted the impact of arthritis on work. She developed the first comprehensive program to prevent work disability in people with inflammatory arthritis, Making it WorkTM, filling an important unmet need in services available to people with arthritis.

Dr. Lacaille’s research has also revealed alarming gaps in the care of rheumatoid arthritis and comorbidities (simultaneous presence of two chronic diseases or conditions) in patients. She developed and tested strategies to improve care and created an online Arthritis Health Journal for disease activity-monitoring. Her community-based research with First Nations communities developed and evaluated arthritis programs consistent with Indigenous approaches to health. Her Arthritis Wellness Program, a culturally-relevant, family-based self-management program, and her case manager model to improve management of arthritis and comorbidities, offer much needed alternatives to current care.

“I am honoured to receive this award and look forward to continuing to conduct research that benefits millions of Canadians living with arthritis,” said Dr. Lacaille. Dr. Lacaille will receive the award on March 1st at a Canadian Rheumatology Association Scientific Meeting.


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Arthritis Research Canada is the largest clinical arthritis research centre in North America. Our mission is to transform the lives of people living with arthritis through research and engagement. Led by world-renowned rheumatologist, Dr. John Esdaile, Arthritis Research Canada’s scientific team of over 100 are creating a future where people living with arthritis are empowered to triumph over pain and disability. Within British Columbia, Alberta and Quebec, Arthritis Research Canada is leading research aimed at arthritis prevention, early diagnosis and treatment, and quality of life issues.


For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact:  

Heather Caulder

Marketing and Communications Coordinator

Arthritis Research Canada

604-207-4010 or

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