Reaching Out with Arthritis Research (ROAR)ROAR 2011-2018


ROAR 2018 Panel Discussion

Dr. John Esdaile - Arthritis Research Canada: Transforming lives through research

Dr. Catherine Backman - Moving from "What's the matter?" to "What matters"

Dr. Michael Hunt - Canes, orthotics & footwear: How do they work?

Dr. Nick Bansback - Fork in the road: Contemplating surgery

Dr. Mary De Vera - Arthritis medication & pregnancy: Is it safe?

Dr. Mark Harrison - Preventing Arthritis: Would you if you could?

ROAR 2017 Speakers Panel

Patient Partners Step up to the Research Plate …How do we Score?

Wearing Many Hats …A Patient’s Experience

Fitbit/FitViz update – Stepping Out or Stepping Aside: Activity Trackers and Arthritis

Good News About Lifespan for People With Rheumatoid Arthritis

What’s a Brain Like You Doing in a Joint Like This?

Managing Lupus and You – Navigate Your Journey With “My Lupus Guide”

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