Susan Bartlett
Research Scientist, Medicine (Psychology)
- Professor, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University
- Adjunct Professor of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Medicine
- Senior Scientist, Research Institute, McGill University Health Centre
Research Interests
- Disease flares in inflammatory arthritis
- Treatment adherence
- Health behaviours (diet, exercise, yoga)
- Patient engagement and patient centered research methods
- Impact of psychosocial factors (depression, anxiety)
Susan Bartlett, PhD, is a Professor of Medicine in the Divisions of Clinical Epidemiology, Rheumatology, and the Respiratory Epidemiology and Clinical Trials Units at McGill University and the McGill University Health Centers. Dr. Bartlett is a clinical psychologist by training with longstanding research and clinical interests in patient-centered research and care and meaningful patient engagement in research.
Dr. Bartlett’s current research is using the approach to look at brain health in HIV, scleroderma, asthma, multiple sclerosis, arthritis and COPD. A growing focus of her work has been on identifying and addressing the education and support needed for all members of the research team to fully engage patients in designing, conducting, and disseminating the results of patient-centered research.Learn more