

Arthritis Is Ageless, Vianne’s story


Arthritis Research Canada’s Scientific Director Dr. John Esdaile in partnership with arthritis patients Vianne Bacchus and Alison Hoens speak about the importance of arthritis research for the more than 5.2 million Canadians who suffer from this often painful and sometimes debilitating disease.

Arthritis Research Canada is grateful to Vianne for sharing her story of how your support for arthritis research is making a difference and transforming lives.

Thank you to Alison Hoens for speaking on behalf of our Arthritis Patient Advisory Board (APAB). The patient voice is integral to all aspects of arthritis research. Please make arthritis research a priority.

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Arthritis Research Canada produces a variety of videos each year related to the key research findings, knowledge translation, patient stories, events, fundraisers, and much more. Visit our Youtube channel for playlists, recommended videos and more.