Nikki’s Story

“I felt so alone. I met some individuals who were really understanding and other people who weren’t because, unlike other illnesses, arthritis is an invisible disease.” Nikki was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at 19. Find out how arthritis research has changed her life.

Ho Ho Hold On: Tips for Surviving the Holidays with Arthritis

The holiday season is an overwhelming time of year. Managing a chronic illness during a global pandemic can add an extra layer of stress to the equation. We’ve got some tips to help you relax and enjoy the festivities.

Prioritizing Fall Prevention

Falls account for 50 per cent of injury-related hospital admissions in older adults. Find out how we’re working to change this stat.

Take a Pain Check: Creating a Community for Youth with Arthritis

Imagine getting diagnosed with an incurable illness at age 13. Then imagine desperately searching for a support system and finding nothing. Join one youth on her journey to connect young people living with chronic illness.

Working it Out: Arthritis & Accommodations

Employees across different industries started working from home at the beginning of the pandemic. Many continue to work remotely. Discover the pros and cons of this shift for people with arthritis.

COVID-19 Vaccine Research Update

People living with inflammatory arthritis need at least two doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. We’ve got new results from our vaccine study out of Arthritis Research Canada Quebec.