The Arthritis Newsletter
Winter 2019Jacob was the picture of health. Until he wasn’t.
Six million Canadians, young and old, are living with the pain and disability of arthritis. To learn more about Jacob’s story and how you can help support life-saving arthritis research…
Holiday gift for someone with arthritis?
The holidays are always a busy time. If you have someone with arthritis on your gift list, here are just a few gift ideas recommended by our Arthritis Patient Advisory Board (APAB) members.
Strength Training for People with Rheumatoid Arthritis
As a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Knowledge Translation at Arthritis Research Canada, Jasmin Ma is focused on supporting strength training behaviour change and developing methods for tailored physical activity interventions for people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
A Patient’s Perspective on Attending the American College of Rheumatology’s Annual Meeting
A member of Arthritis Research Canada’s patient advisory board is invited to co-present at the annual American College of Rheumatology conference.
Getting to know Rheumatologist, Dr. Laëtitia Michou
In May 2019, I had the opportunity to have a telephone interview with Dr. Laëtitia Michou, a rheumatologist and clinical researcher at CHU de Québec-Université Laval for 12 years. Dr. Michou has also been a researcher at Arthritis Research Canada since June 2019.