At-Home Exercise Guide for Arthritis

Exercise is medicine when it comes to managing arthritis pain and fatigue. Want to get active but don’t know where to start? Check out these expert tips and get moving this summer!

Tailoring Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

A new study aims to take the trial and error out of treating this serious, autoimmune disease. It’s all about identifying benefits and harms to ensure people with arthritis get the right treatment when first diagnosed.

2022 ARThritis Soirée A Big Success

This year’s event raised $3,375,000+ for arthritis research thanks to a boost from the Province of BC, as well as generous sponsors, donors and guests.

Extreme Weather Events & Arthritis: It Pays to Be Prepared

When you have arthritis, it’s harder to leave home at a moment’s notice. With wildfire season upon us, we’ve got some tips for how to prepare for emergencies caused by extreme weather.

Pandemic Vaccine Research Continues: Scientists Seek to Find Answers for Society’s Most Vulnerable

Much of the world has eased pandemic restrictions and returned to “normal.” But researchers continue to work behind the scenes to help those still vulnerable to the coronavirus.