The Arthritis Newsletter

Summer 2011

New App: ArthritisID


You may be aware that searching for health information is the third most popular online pursuit and that eight in ten Internet users look online for health information (Pew Internet Project, Health Issues report, 2011).


The Arthritis is cured! (if you want it) National Arthritis Awareness Program (NAAP) has tapped into this demand for quick, accessible health data and advice and developed an iPhone healthcare application – ArthritisID – designed for patients, healthcare professionals, and the public. ArthritisID sets the “gold standard” as the most sophisticated iPhone arthritis app in North America.


Designed and created by NAAP co-leaders, Arthritis Consumer Experts (ACE) and Arthritis Research Centre of Canada (ARC), ArthritisID provides the most current, evidence-based and unbiased arthritis information on your iPhone, when and where you want it.


The arthritis app features a valuable interactive screening tool and questionnaire to determine if you have indications of a type of arthritis. You will also find detailed information about treatment strategies for the different types of arthritis, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lupus and ankylosing spondylitis, and some of the rarer forms.


There are two versions of the app:


  1. ArthritisID — tailored to the general public to raise the level of conversation about early detection and “best practice” medical treatment and self-management. Consumers will also find useful sections, such as tips for speaking to their doctor about arthritis and joint pain.
  2. ArthritisID PRO — designed for healthcare professionals to ensure they are abreast of current “best practice” guidelines for detecting, diagnosing and managing arthritis. ArthritisID PRO will also feature exam videos and a special section where physicians can earn Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits, built around the information contained in a test format on the app.

ArthritisID will be available at the Apps store. To find out more about the NAAP or the ArthritisID iPhone app, please visit:

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