Kun Huang


Clinician Investigator, MD, PhD, FRCPC



  • Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Rheumatology, University of British Columbia

  • Co-director of Myositis clinic at the Mary Pack Arthritis Centre

  • Division Head, Fraser Health Authority Rheumatology

  • Rheumatologist, Fraser South Rheumatology Clinic in Surrey



Research Interests

  • Inflammatory myositis, and treatment of refractory myositis

Dr. Huang earned her PhD in Neuroscience from University of British Columbia (UBC) and MD degree from University of Toronto. She completed Internal Medicine residency and Rheumatology fellowship at UBC. She obtained additional training in the field of inflammatory myositis in Toronto. She currently runs a subspecialty clinic in myositis at Mary Pack Arthritis Centre. 

Learn more

She actively pursues research in this field and is a member of the Canadian Inflammatory Myositis Study group. She is the co-author of more than 40 Pubmed Indexed research papers and book chapters.




  1. Zheng B, Eline E, Xu L, Huang K, Hermans G, Perch M, Samoukovic G, De Langhe E, Dastmalchi M, Christopher-Stine L, Diederichsen L, Leclair V, Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Acute Lung Injury in Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies – A Potential Lifesaving Intervention. Submitted to Thorax (BMJ).
  2. Beckett M, Tan J, Bonnardeaux E, Dutz J, Shojania K, To F, Obrzut A, Avina Zubieta A, Huang K, Tofacitinib therapy in refractory inflammatory myositis: a retrospective cohort study of 41 patients. Accepted by Rheumatology on Jul 16, 2023
  3. Li L, D’Silva K, Lu N, Huang K, Esdaile J, Choi H, Aviña-Zubieta A, Mortality trends in polymyositis and dermatomyositis: A general population-based study. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism. Volume 50, Issue 5, October 2020, Pages 834-839. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.semarthrit.2020.08.009
  4. Karacabeyli D, Abu-Abed S, Agoumi M, Huang K, Myeloperoxidase positivity in giant cell arteritis presenting with fever of unknown origin, Rheumatology, (Oxford) Online Sep 6, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1093/rheumatology/keaa442
  5. Huang K, Levy R, Avina-Zubieta A. Successful lung transplant in rapid progressive interstitial lung disease associated with anti-melanoma differentiation associated gene 5. Rheumatology (Oxford) Online Feb 18, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1093/rheumatology/keaa032
  6. Huang K, Aggarwal R. Anti-synthetase syndrome: a distinct disease spectrum. Journal of Scleroderma and Related Disorders. Online Feb 18, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1177/2397198320902667
  7. Huang K, Vinik O, Shojania K, Yeung J, Shupak R, Nimmo M, and Avina-Zubieta A. Clinical spectrum and therapeutics in Canadian patients with anti-melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 (MDA5)-positive dermatomyositis: a case-based review. Rheumatol Int. 2019 Aug 2. doi: 10.1007/s00296-019-04398-2
  8. Tan J, Huang K, Dehghan N, and Amiri N. Recurrent cutaneous eosinophilic vasculitis: a case report and review of the literature. the Rheumatologist
  9. Huang K, Shojania K, Chapman K, Amiri N, Dehghan N, Mezei M (2018) Concurrent inflammatory myopathy and myasthenia gravis with or without thymic pathology: a case series and literature review. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism. 2018 Jun 26. pii: S0049-0172(18)30108-2.
  10. Huang K, Murphy D, Dehghan N (2017) Calcific tendinitis of the gluteus maximus of a 53-year-old woman. CMAJ. 189 (50): E1561
  11. Wiber S, Jamal S, Huang K (2017) Refractory Isolated Pulmonary Capillaritis Rescued by Rituximab. Modern Rheumatology Case Reports.
  12. Huang K, Kur J (2017) Laryngeal Stridor in Rheumatoid Arthritis. CMAJ. 189(38): E1213.
  13. Merali Z, Huang K, Mikulis D; Silver F, Kassner A (2017) Evolution of Blood-Brain-Barrier Permeability after Acute Ischemic Stroke. PLOS one. 12(2): e0171558.
  14. Huang K, Parker R, Firoz T (2016). A 54-year-old Woman with Progressive Ataxia. Canadian Journal of Internal Medicine. Vol 11, No 3; 32-35.
  15. Aviña-Zubieta JA, Man A, Yurkovich M, Huang K, Sayre EC, Choi HK (2016) Early cardiovascular disease after the diagnosis of systemic sclerosis. Am J Med. 129(3):324-31.
  16. Huang K, Khan N, Kwan A, Fang J, Yun L, Kapral MK. (2013) Socioeconomic status and care after stroke: results from the Registry of the Canadian Stroke Network. Stroke, 44: 477-482.
  17. Fairbank M, Huang K, El-Husseini A, Nabi R (2012) RING Finger palmitoylation of the endoplasmic reticulum Gp78 E3 ubiquitin ligase. FEBS letter. 586(16):2488-93.
  18. Young FB, Franciosi S, Spreeuw A, Deng Y, Sanders SS, Tam NCM, Huang K, et al. (2012) Low levels of human HIP14 are sufficient to rescue neuropathological, behavioural, and enzymatic defects due to loss of murine HIP14 in Hip14-/- Mice. PLoS One, 7(5):e36315.
  19. Singaraja RR, Huang K, Sanders SS, Milnerwood A, et al (2011) Altered palmitoylation and neuropathological deficits in mice lacking HIP14. Human Molecular Genetics. 20(20):3899-909.
  20. Huang K, Sanders SS, Kang R, Carroll J, Sutton L, Wan J, Singaraja RR, Young FB, Liu L, El-Husseini A, Davis NG, Hayden MR (2011) Wildtype HTT modulates the enzymatic activity of the neuronal palmitoyl transferase HIP14. Human Molecular Genetics. 20(17):3356-65.
  21. Arstikaitis P, Gauthier-Campbell C, Huang K, El-Husseini A, Murphy TH (2011) Proteins that promote filopodia stability, but not number, lead to more axonal-dendritic contacts. PLoS One. 6(3):e16998.
  22. Huang K, Kang MH, Askew C, Kang R, Sanders SS, Wan J, Davis NG, Hayden MR (2010) Palmitoylation and function of Glial Glutamate Transporter-1 is reduced in the YAC128 mouse model of Huntington disease. Neurobiology of Disease. 40(1):207-15
  23. Verpelli C, Piccoli G, Zibetti C, Zanchi A, Gardoni F, Huang K, Brambilla D, Di Luca M, Battaglioli E, and Sala C (2010) Synaptic activity controls dendritic spine morphology by modulating eEF2-dependent BDNF synthesis. Journal of Neuroscience, 30(17): 5830-42.
  24. Huang K, Sanders SS, Singaraja RR, Orban P, Cijsouw T, Arstikaitis P, Yanai A, Hayden MR, El-Husseini A (2009) Neuronal palmitoyl acyl transferases exhibit distinct substrate specificity. FASEB Journal, 23(8):2605-15.
  25. Kang R, Wan J, Arstikaitis P, Takahashi H, Huang K, Roth A et al. (2008) Neural palmitoyl-proteomics reveals dynamic synaptic palmitoylation. Nature 456, 904-909
  26. Krivosheya D, Tapia L, Levinson JN, Huang K, Kang Y, et al. (2008) ErbB4-neuregulin signaling modulates synapse development and dendritic arborization through distinct mechanisms. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283, 32944-32956
  27. Arstikaitis P, Gauthier-Campbell C, Herrera RCG, Huang K, Levinson JN, et al (2008), Paralemmin-1, a modulator of filopodia induction is required for spine maturation. Molecular Biology of Cell. 19(5):2026-2038
  28. Yanai A*, Huang K*, Kang R*, et al (2006), Palmitoylation of huntingtin by HIP14 is essential for its trafficking and function. Nature Neuroscience. 9:824-831. (* authors of equal contribution)
  29. Levinson JN, Chéry N, Huang K, Wong TP, et al (2005), Neuroligins mediate excitatory and inhibitory synapse formation: Involvement of PSD-95 and neurexin-1b in neuroligin-induced synaptic specificity. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280(17): 17312-17319.
  30. Huang K and El-Husseini A. (2005), Modulation of neuronal protein trafficking and function by palmitoylation. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 15(5):527-35.
  31. Huang K*, Yanai A*, Kang R*, et al (2004), Huntingtin interacting protein HIP14, is a palmitoyl transferase involved in palmitoylation and trafficking of multiple neuronal proteins. Neuron. 44(6): 977-86. (* authors of equal contribution)
  32. Chen X, Feng Q, Wu Z, Liu Y, Huang K, Shi R, et al (2003), RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene sequence from foot-and-mouth disease virus in Hong Kong, Biochem Biophys Res Commun.308: 899-905.
  33. Zheng B, Eline E, Xu L, Huang K, Hermans G, Perch M, Samoukovic G, De Langhe E, Dastmalchi M, Christopher-Stine L, Diederichsen L, Leclair V. Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Acute Lung Injury in Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies – A Potential Lifesaving Intervention. Accepted at Rheumatology.

  34. Huang K and Pye A. Updates in treatment of refractory inflammatory myositis. Canadian Rheumatology Today. Vol. 1, Issue 1, Spring 2024. https://catalytichealth.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=156b88e30ac1e34cb6eb032a7&id=e15cd58644&e=a98e550497

  35. Beckett M, Dutz J, Huang K. Upadacitinib therapy in refractory inflammatory myositis: a case series of 10 patients. RMD Open. 2024 Jan 18;10(1):e003837. doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2023-003837. PMID: 38242552; PMCID: PMC10806474.

  36. Beckett M, Tan J, Bonnardeaux E, Dutz J, Shojania K, To F, Obrzut A, Aviña-Zubieta J, Huang K. Tofacitinib therapy in refractory inflammatory myositis: a retrospective cohort study of 41 patients. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2024 May 2;63(5):1432-1436. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/kead404. PMID: 37584672.

  37. Li L, D’Silva K, Lu N, Huang K, Esdaile J, Choi H, Aviña-Zubieta A, Mortality trends in polymyositis and dermatomyositis: A general population-based study. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism. Volume 50, Issue 5, October 2020, Pages 834-839. ttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.semarthrit.2020.08.009

  38. Karacabeyli D, Abu-Abed S, Agoumi M, Huang K, Myeloperoxidase positivity in giant cell arteritis presenting with fever of unknown origin, Rheumatology, (Oxford) Online Sep 6, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1093/rheumatology/keaa442

  39. Huang K, Levy R, Avina-Zubieta A. Successful lung transplant in rapid progressive interstitial lung disease associated with anti-melanoma differentiation associated gene 5. Rheumatology (Oxford) Online Feb 18, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1093/rheumatology/keaa032

  40. Huang K, Aggarwal R. Anti-synthetase syndrome: a distinct disease spectrum. Journal of Scleroderma and Related Disorders. Online Feb 18, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1177/2397198320902667

  41. Huang K, Vinik O, Shojania K, Yeung J, Shupak R, Nimmo M, and Avina-Zubieta A. Clinical spectrum and therapeutics in Canadian patients with anti-melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 (MDA5)-positive dermatomyositis: a case-based review. Rheumatol Int. 2019 Aug 2. doi: 10.1007/s00296-019-04398-2

  42. Tan J, Huang K, Dehghan N, and Amiri N. Case Report: Elderly White Woman Presents with Recurrent Skin Lesions. the Rheumatologist. https://www.the-rheumatologist.org/article/case-report-elderly-white-woman-presents-with-recurrent-skin-lesions/3/

  43. Huang K, Shojania K, Chapman K, Amiri N, Dehghan N, Mezei M (2018) Concurrent inflammatory myopathy and myasthenia gravis with or without thymic pathology: a case series and literature review. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2019 Feb;48(4):745-751. 

  44. Huang K, Murphy D, Dehghan N (2017) Calcific tendinitis of the gluteus maximus of a 53-year-old woman. CMAJ. 189 (50): E1561

  45. Wiber S, Jamal S, Huang K (2017) Refractory Isolated Pulmonary Capillaritis Rescued by Rituximab. Modern Rheumatology Case Reports. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/24725625.2017.1391942

  46. Huang K, Kur J (2017) Laryngeal Stridor in Rheumatoid Arthritis. CMAJ. 189(38): E1213. 

  47. Merali Z, Huang K, Mikulis D; Silver F, Kassner A (2017) Evolution of Blood-Brain-Barrier Permeability after Acute Ischemic Stroke. PLOS one. 12(2): e0171558.

  48. Huang K, Parker R, Firoz T (2016). A 54-year-old Woman with Progressive Ataxia. Canadian Journal of Internal Medicine. Vol 11, No 3; 32-35.

  49. Aviña-Zubieta JA, Man A, Yurkovich M, Huang K, Sayre EC, Choi HK (2016) Early cardiovascular disease after the diagnosis of systemic sclerosis. Am J Med. 129(3):324-31.

  50. Huang K, Khan N, Kwan A, Fang J, Yun L, Kapral MK. (2013) Socioeconomic status and care after stroke: results from the Registry of the Canadian Stroke Network. Stroke, 44: 477-482.

  51. Fairbank M, Huang K, El-Husseini A, Nabi R (2012) RING Finger palmitoylation of the endoplasmic reticulum Gp78 E3 ubiquitin ligase. FEBS letter. 586(16):2488-93.

  52. Young FB, Franciosi S, Spreeuw A, Deng Y, Sanders SS, Tam NCM, Huang K, et al. (2012) Low levels of human HIP14 are sufficient to rescue neuropathological, behavioural, and enzymatic defects due to loss of murine HIP14 in Hip14-/- Mice. PLoS One, 7(5):e36315.

  53. Singaraja RR, Huang K, Sanders SS, Milnerwood A, et al (2011) Altered palmitoylation and neuropathological deficits in mice lacking HIP14. Human Molecular Genetics. 20(20):3899-909.

  54. Huang K, Sanders SS, Kang R, Carroll J, Sutton L, Wan J, Singaraja RR, Young FB, Liu L, El-Husseini A, Davis NG, Hayden MR (2011) Wildtype HTT modulates the enzymatic activity of the neuronal palmitoyl transferase HIP14. Human Molecular Genetics. 20(17):3356-65.

  55. Arstikaitis P, Gauthier-Campbell C, Huang K, El-Husseini A, Murphy TH (2011) Proteins that promote filopodia stability, but not number, lead to more axonal-dendritic contacts. PLoS One. 6(3):e16998.

  56. Huang K, Kang MH, Askew C, Kang R, Sanders SS, Wan J, Davis NG, Hayden MR (2010) Palmitoylation and function of Glial Glutamate Transporter-1 is reduced in the YAC128 mouse model of Huntington disease. Neurobiology of Disease. 40(1):207-15

  57. Verpelli C, Piccoli G, Zibetti C, Zanchi A, Gardoni F, Huang K, Brambilla D, Di Luca M, Battaglioli E, and Sala C (2010) Synaptic activity controls dendritic spine morphology by modulating eEF2-dependent BDNF synthesis. Journal of Neuroscience, 30(17): 5830-42.

  58. Huang K, Sanders SS, Singaraja RR, Orban P, Cijsouw T, Arstikaitis P, Yanai A, Hayden MR, El-Husseini A (2009) Neuronal palmitoyl acyl transferases exhibit distinct substrate specificity. FASEB Journal, 23(8):2605-15.

  59. Kang R, Wan J, Arstikaitis P, Takahashi H, Huang K, Roth A et al. (2008) Neural palmitoyl-proteomics reveals dynamic synaptic palmitoylation. Nature 456, 904-909

  60. Krivosheya D, Tapia L, Levinson JN, Huang K, Kang Y, et al. (2008) ErbB4-neuregulin signaling modulates synapse development and dendritic arborization through distinct mechanisms. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283, 32944-32956

  61. Arstikaitis P, Gauthier-Campbell C, Herrera RCG, Huang K, Levinson JN, et al (2008), Paralemmin-1, a modulator of filopodia induction is required for spine maturation. Molecular Biology of Cell. 19(5):2026-2038

  62. Yanai A*, Huang K*, Kang R*, et al (2006), Palmitoylation of huntingtin by HIP14 is essential for its trafficking and function. Nature Neuroscience. 9:824-831. (* authors of equal contribution)

  63. Levinson JN, Chéry N, Huang K, Wong TP, et al (2005), Neuroligins mediate excitatory and inhibitory synapse formation: Involvement of PSD-95 and neurexin-1b in neuroligin-induced synaptic specificity. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280(17): 17312-17319.

  64. Huang K*, Yanai A*, Kang R*, et al (2004), Huntingtin interacting protein HIP14, is a palmitoyl transferase involved in palmitoylation and trafficking of multiple neuronal proteins. Neuron. 44(6): 977-86. (* authors of equal contribution)

  65. Chen X, Feng Q, Wu Z, Liu Y, Huang K, Shi R, et al (2003), RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene sequence from foot-and-mouth disease virus in Hong Kong, Biochem Biophys Res Commun.308: 899-905.

    Book Chapters and Reviews:

    • Published:

    Huang K and Aggarwal R (2020), Book chapter: dietary consideration in myositis. Managing Myositis: A Practical Guide. ISBN-13: 978-3030158194 Editors: Rohit Aggarwal and Chester V Oddis.

    Huang K and El-Husseini A. (2008), Book chapter: Palmitoylation-a key signal for controlling protein trafficking and function. Protocols for the Bioanalytical Discovery of Post Translational Modifications. ISBN: 978-81-7895-382-3 Editors: Jennie R. Lill, Wendy N. Sandoval and Victoria C. Pham.

    Huang K and El-Husseini A. (2005), Modulation of neuronal protein trafficking and function by palmitoylation. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 15(5):527-35.

    Ennis D, Hsieh J and Huang K (2014), Chapter 22: Rheumatology, Essentials for the Canadian Licensing Exam 2nd Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

    Commentaries (Non-refereed):

    Huang K (2012) A common tool for rare diseases. Clinical Genetics. 81(5): 432.

    Huang K (2011) Exome sequencing expedites disease gene discovery. Clinical Genetics. 80(2):133-4.

    Huang K (2011) De novo paradigm: the ultimate answer to the paradox in mental retardation? Clinical Genetics. 79(5):427-8.

    Huang K (2011) Dissecting the genes of familial aortic dissections. Clinical Genetics. 79(5):425-7.

    Huang K (2010) Nature versus Nurture: genetic susceptibility and weight loss in Hepatic Steatosis. Clinical Genetics. 78 (5): 422-23.

    Huang K (2010) DNA repair deficiency in a newly identified neurological disease. Clinical Genetics. 78 (5): 418-19.

    Huang K (2010) Yet another gene mutation: dysfunction in mitochondrial protein quality control causing hereditary ataxia. Clinical Genetics. 78 (5): 420-22.

    Huang K (2010) Not Identical: Twin studies to reveal epigenetic differences. Clinical Genetics. 77(3):228-30.

    Huang K (2010) A neuronal gene mutation that kills glia. Clinical Genetics. 77(3): 227-8.

    Huang K (2010) A K+ channel that channels neurology to nephrology. Clinical Genetics. 77(3):230-31.

    Huang K (2009) SYNGAP: bridging the gap between genetic factors and autosomal non-syndromic mental retardation. Clinical Genetics. 76(2):149-51.

    Non-Academic Publications:

    Huang K, Bout, Success in Personality, Ed. Zhen Song, Democracy & Build Press, 2001, pp54-58 (ISBN 7-80112-383-2).

    Huang K, The road to the Ivory Tower, Grasp the Opportunities, Ed. Xiangshu Deng, Shandong People Press, 2000, pp136-144 (ISBN 7-209-02567-7).


Conference Proceedings

  1. Zheng B, Eline E, Xu L, Huang K, Hermans G, Perch M, Samoukovic G, De Langhe E, Dastmalchi M, Christopher-Stine L, Diederichsen L, Leclair V. Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Acute Lung Injury in Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies – a Potential Lifesaving Intervention [abstract]. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2022; 74 (suppl 9).
  2. Stewart M, Huang K (2020) Extrapulmonary sarcoidosis with bone marrow involvement: a case series and literature review. Canadian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Victoria, Canada.
  3. Tan J, Huang K (2020) A case of recurrent fevers and abscesses. Canadian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Victoria, Canada.
  4. Holmes D, Dupuis I, Huang K, Dehghan N, and Murphy D (2019) Out with the Old, In with the New, Clinicoserologic Classification of Inflammatory Myositis and Their Imaging Findings. Canadian Association of Radiology Annual Scientific Meeting. Montreal, Canada.
  5. Huang K, Shojania K, Chapman K, Amiri N, Dehghan N and Mezei M (2018) Inflammatory Myositis Associated with Myasthenia Gravis with and without Thymic Pathology: Case Series and Literature Review. Canadian Rheumatology Association Annual Meeting. Vancouver, Canada.
  6. Huang K, Shojania K, Chapman K, Amiri N, Dehghan N and Mezei M (2018), Inflammatory Myositis Associated with Myasthenia Gravis with and without Thymic Pathology: Case Series and Literature Review. Canadian Neurological Sciences Federation, 53rd Congress, Halifax, Canada.
  7. Huang K, Shojania K, Yeung J, Avina A (2018), MDA5 Positive Clinical Amyopathic Dermatomyositis (CADM): A Single Tertiary Centre Case Series of 14 Patients. Annual European Congress of Rheumatology EULAR, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  8. Huang K, Shojania K, Yeung J, Avina A (2018), MDA5 Positive Clinical Amyopathic Dermatomyositis (CADM): A Single Tertiary Centre Case Series of 14 Patients. Canadian Rheumatology Association Annual Meeting. Vancouver, Canada.
  9. Huang K (2017) Smoke and (In)flame: risk of COPD in SARDS. Canadian Rheumatology Association Annual Meeting. Ottawa, Canada.
  10. Huang K, Silver FL, Fang J, Stamplecoski M, Kapral MK (2011) The association between socioeconomic status and stroke care: results from the Registry of the Canadian Stroke Network. The Canadian Stroke Congress. Ottawa, Canada.
  11. Huang K, Mikulis D, Silver FL and Kassner A (2011) Progression of Blood Brain Barrier Permeability in patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke: from acute to early subacute phase. The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Montreal, Canada.
  12. Huang K, Mikulis D, Silver FL and Kassner A (2011) Progression of Blood Brain Barrier Permeability in patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke: from acute to early subacute phase The International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function, Barcelona, Spain.
  13. Huang K, Mikulis D, Silver FL and Kassner A (2011) Progression of Blood Brain Barrier Permeability in patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke: from acute to early subacute phase. The American Society of Neuroradiology Annual Meeting & Symposium, Seattle, WA.
  14. Huang K, Mikulis D, Silver FL and Kassner A (2011) Progression of Blood Brain Barrier Permeability in patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke: from acute to early subacute phase. Annual Research Day for the Department of Medical, Toronto, ON
  15. Huang K, Sanders SS, Kang R, Sutton L, Wan J, Singaraja RR, Young FB, Liu L, El-Husseini A, Davis NG, Hayden MR (2011) Wildtype HTT modulates the enzymatic activity of the neuronal palmitoyl transferase HIP14. CHDI Therapeutics Conference. Palm Spring, CA
  16. Huang K, Singaraja RR, Young FB, Davis NG, Hayden MR and El-Husseini A (2007) Palmitoyl transferase specificity towards huntingtin and other neuronal proteins. Society for Neuroscience Meeting. San Diego, CA
  17. Huang K and El-Husseini A (2006) Analysis of specificity of palmitoyl transferases towards neuronal protein substrates. Society for Neuroscience Meeting. Atlanta, GA
  18. Huang K and El-Husseini A (2006) Analysis of specificity of palmitoyl transferases towards neuronal protein substrates. FASEB summer research conference. Indian Wells, CA
  19. Huang K, Singaraja RR, Hayden MR and El-Husseini A (2005) Novel palmitoyl-transferases that regulate protein trafficking and function. Society for Neuroscience Meeting. Washington DC
  20. Huang K, Yanai A, Kang R, Singaraja RR, Hayden MR and El-Husseini A (2005) HIP14 is a neuronal palmitoyl-transferease that regulate multiple neuronal protein trafficking and function. Winter Brain Conference. Breckenridge, CO
  21. Huang K (2005) HIP14 is a neuronal palmitoyl-transferease that regulate multiple neuronal protein trafficking and function. Society for Neurosicence Northwest chapter. Seattle, WA.