The Arthritis Newsletter

Fall 2013

In Memoriam

Rod Brennan 1948-2013


Rod Brennan’s entrepreneurial spirit enabled his work in wholesale, retail, and marketing research. He taught life skills and worked in crisis intervention where he was able to harness his kind nature and empathy in order to help others. Rod joined the Consumer Advisory Board (CAB) in July of 2012. With him, he brought his experience of living with psoriatic arthritis, a lifelong passion for volunteerism, and a strong dedication to those less fortunate.


Rod was instrumental in promoting CAB’s public heath forums to those from under-served populations. He ensured paper-based registrations were available, reminding event organizers that not everyone has access to the internet, and he distributed informational postcards and posters to disadvantaged downtown locations. At these events, he facilitated patient group interaction, always cognizant of attendees needs. His commitment to CAB’s mission of “serving as a bridge between researchers, people with arthritis, and the community at large” was also evident through his visits to seniors groups and other groups.


Rod brought a valuable perspective to the Consumer Advisory Board’s agenda. He reminded us to include the needs of the disadvantaged population in our agenda. His voice will be missed, but his message will forever be with us.

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