The Arthritis Newsletter

Spring 2011

Favourite Websites


The Internet is a great source for arthritis education; however, the quality of arthritis information on the Internet varies widely. Although there are thousands of websites purporting to give reliable information about arthritis, you must beware of those that promote unusual treatments for which the main evidence is found in anecdotal testimonials. Always consult with your doctor regarding any suggested or recommended treatments.

As active consumers of health information, CAB members wish to share their favourite websites with you. Below you will find a few of the websites used by the members to find reliable, informative information. Use these links as a resource to help you find information and support, and bookmark this page now so you can refer back to it later.

This information is not meant to replace a consultation with a physician and you should never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have read on these websites.


American College of Rheumatology 
  •  A trusted source of rheumatology information for patients and physicians.
  •  Every year the American College of Rheumatology holds a conference highlighting the latest research from around the world and close to home (The Arthritis Research Centre)
  •  Two CAB Members attend this conference each year and are always amazed by the magnitude of research featured
Cochrane Musculoskeletal Group
  •  Reliable, up-to-date reviews of interventions for the prevention, treatment or rehabilitation of musculoskeletal disorders in the form of systematic reviews
  •  Plain language summaries are easy to read and easy to find as they are organized by condition
  •  Check out Decision Aids that are designed to complement health practitioner counseling and encourage patient involvement in decision making
Cochrane Consumer Network
  •  “CCNet encourages consumers throughout the world to give their perspecitive and have their say on priorities for health care.” Find out how.
Johns Hopkins Arthritis
  •  Provides detailed information on diagnosis and management of arthritis for patients and health care providers
  •  The “Ask the Expert” section is divided into categories so it is easy to find questions and answers for your type of arthritis
  •  Can’t find the question? No problem, simply click on the “Ask a Question” link and email the experts your question.
  •  Provides up-to-date research-based arthritis information and education in easy-to-understand language
  •  You will find the latest information about all aspects of the most common types of arthritis—causes, prevention, medications and other treatments, protection of joint health, access to health care, and much more
Life with Arthritis in Canada: A personal and public health challenge.
  •  A report by the Public Health Agency of Canada designed to increase public awareness that arthritis is not simply a normal part of ageing
  •  Highlights the importance of prevention and timely management of arthritis
Lupus Now Magazine
  •  Online version of the magazine produced by the Lupus Foundation of America
  •  Interesting articles about living with lupus and more…Healthful Eating, Ask the Experts and Circle of Hope (patients’ stories)
  •  An online resource of published medical studies, including arthritis
  •  Freely available to the public
  •  Searches can easily be emailed or printed
The Arthritis Foundation – Arthritis Today
  •  Huge resource of arthritis information
  •  Each condition is represented by an overview of the disease as well as treatment options
  •  Other resources include alternative therapies, a guide to understanding your lab tests, an exercise log and much more
BC Lupus Society
  •  Dedicated solely to providing lupus education and support services
  •  Includes local resources, informative articles, lupus lighthouse newsletters and links to other lupus sites
The Arthritis Society
  •  The Arthritis Society is able to offer a variety of programs and services to help people with arthritis


Disclaimer: does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information found at the sites listed here and disclaims all liability in respect of such information.

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