The Arthritis Newsletter

Winter 2014

ARC’s Legacy Giving: We want your feedback.

By Gerry Sheanh


Please participate in our Legacy Giving Survey.


As someone with an interest in Arthritis Research, we would like your advice!


The Fund Development department of the Arthritis Research Centre of Canada (ARC), recently launched our new Legacy Campaign. We want to encourage those who support arthritis research to consider leaving ARC a gift in their will.  The gift would be dedicated purely to arthritis research, a gift that will help to transform the lives of people living with this often painful and sometimes debilitating disease.


Legacy giving has the lowest fundraising costs at about 2 cents for every $1 donated. These gifts will fund our most promising research and help us work towards a healthier future for those already living with arthritis, and for those who will be diagnosed in the future


The survey only takes about 4 minutes to complete and it’s easy.


Your feedback helps us to connect and communicate with donors and individuals like you, in a more meaningful way.  Please take a few minutes right now to read our Legacy brochure.  At the end of the brochure there will be a link to take you directly to our confidential and secure survey.


Please be assured that we will hold your answers in the strictest confidence. Thank you for your time and input.

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