Transgender and Gender Diverse Communities in Pharmacoepidemiologic Research: Closing the Gap of Health Information



Scientific Study Title:

Ethical partnerships with transGender And Gender diverse communities for conducting pharmacoEpidemiologic research (EnGAGE)


Study Start Date:

June 2022

End Date:

January 2023


Why Do This Research?

Transgender and gender diverse people are more likely to have poorer mental and physical health outcomes. They face more barriers to getting the care they need due to a lack of health research about this unique group, especially as they age. This study gathers information by partnering with the transgender community to understand their priorities and will provide the information to those who serve this group.

What Will Be Done?

This study partners with the transgender community and other healthcare providers to understand their health needs, by:

  1. Individual interviews and focus groups are being held to develop guidelines to address their priorities regarding research studies.
  2. A symposium will be hosted to present the planning activities and to share information gathered for future research and advocacy.
  3. The design of practical tools for researchers to use to design transgender health research that meets the needs of the transgender community.


Who Is Involved?

Transgender and gender-diverse Canadian patients, researchers, community, and institutional stakeholders.


Equity, Diversity and Inclusion 

The nature of this project works on EDI in pharmacoepidemiologic research. Equity, here, acknowledges the lack of ethical research in support of trans and gender-diverse folks and addresses the concern of inclusion through the development of guidelines.


Research Team

Principal Investigator: 

 Nevena Rebic, MSc Candidate, Trainee, Arthritis Research Canada


Mary De Vera, PhD, Research Scientist, Arthritis Research Canada (University of British Columbia)

Lori Anne Brotto

Jacquelyn Cragg

Michael Law

Monica Malta

Preet Kang


Funding Agency

Canadian Institutes of Health Research