Preventing Complications from Inflammatory Skin, Joint and Bowel Conditions



What is a ‘Core’?


The PRECISION cores are specialized teams which provide technical expertise and methodological support to each of our projects.  As a result, our research is unified, more efficient, and cost effective. The five cores are: Patients, Biostatistics, Health Economics, Knowledge Translation and Ethics, and Digital Technology. Here is a snapshot of what our cores are doing:

Patient Core

Patient Core is leading projects to address gaps in public knowledge and are mentoring trainees in how to meaningfully engage patients in research. It has provided knowledge translation through invited talks, both nationally and internationally, and through the member organizations’ print and online publications. Representation consists of: Arthritis Consumer Experts, Gastrointestinal Society, Arthritis Research Canada’s Arthritis Patient Advisory Board, and Canadian Skin Patient Alliance.


Patient Core members are:

Cheryl Koehn, core lead

Kelly English

Allan Stordy


Admin Staff:

Anita Chan

Shireen Divecha

Biostatistics Core

Biostatistics Core is developing new methods for handling disease misclassifications in administrative databases. These statistical breakthroughs could have universal importance.


Biostatistics Core members are:

Michal Abrahamowicz, core co-lead

Hui Xie, core co-lead

Eric Sayre

Rick Chin

Yufei Zheng

Leo Lu

Hamid Tavakoli

Lingyi (Gloria) Li

Divine Tanyingoh

Darby Thompson

Lulu Guo

Rashed Hoque

Kai Zhao

Yuteong Zhou

Health Economics Core

Health Economics Core is looking at financial impact of inflammation and its risk factors. It is estimating the direct costs of rheumatoid arthritis and the costs due to the complications. The latter is unknown but is likely substantial.


Health Economics Core members are:

Nick Bansback, core lead

Carlo Marra

Natalie McCormick

Judy Chiu

Knowledge Translation and Ethics Core

Knowledge Translation and Ethics Core has created a webinar series to train new and future researchers in how to get research findings to those with inflammatory disease. It works closely with the Patient Core to ensure our research findings reach the public in an impactful way.


Knowledge Translation and Ethics Core members:

Catherine Backman, core co-lead

Linda Li, core co-lead

Anne Townsend

Jenny Leese

Graham Macdonald


Admin Staff:

Shireen Divecha

Digital Technology Core

Digital Technology Core is creating and testing new digital technology to help patients and their health professionals better manage their disease.


Digital Media Core members are:

Christopher Shaw, core lead

Diane Gromala

Linda Li

Ankit Gupta

Frederico Manchuca

Amal Vincent

Gary Li

Jialuo (Noel) Feng


Admin Staff:

Shireen Divecha

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