What is the Connection Between Anxiety and Other Symptoms in Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Scientific Study Title:
Anxiety impacts rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and health-related quality of life even at low levels.
Why Did We Do This Research?
Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have higher levels of anxiety and depression compared to the general population. Depression, in particular, has been linked to increased RA symptoms, such as fatigue, diminished treatment response, and greater disability. Depression and anxiety affect the quality of life for patients living with RA and represent a large gap in patient care.
What Did We Do?
We explored the burden of anxiety and depression on health-related quality of life (HRQL) in patients with RA. HRQL is a concept for examining the impact of health on a person’s ability to live a fulfilling life. HRQL includes broad concepts of physical, mental, and social well-being.
Upon enrollment, our participants with RA completed questionnaires to assess depression and anxiety status, as well as HRQL domains, including fatigue, physical function, pain, sleep disturbance, and social participation. We then looked at the association between anxiety and depression with aspects of HRQL.
What Did We Find?
Of the participants, 18% had mild anxiety, 9% had moderate-severe anxiety, 18% had mild depression, and 14% had moderate-severe depression. Anxiety and depression were associated with significantly worse HRQL overall and across its individual domains. These findings tell us that anxiety and depression are common in RA, even when the disease is well controlled, and that even low levels of anxiety and depression may have serious consequences for HRQL. Management strategies that address worrying and low mood may improve HRQL, positively impacting the ability to participate in meaningful social and life events, and restoring a sense of normalcy for patients with RA.
Who Was Involved?
196 adults with RA participated in our study. As is typical of many RA studies, patients were mainly female, white, with established disease, and two-thirds were in remission or had low disease activity.
The Research Team
Dana D. DiRenzo, MD, MHS, Instructor of Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University
Ethan T. Craig, MD, MHS, Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine, (University of Pennsylvania)
Clifton O. Bingham III, MD, Professor of Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University
Susan Bartlett, Research Scientist, Licensed Psychologist, Arthritis Research Canada, (McGill University)
Who Funded This Research?
National Institutes of Health (NIH)/National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS)