The Arthritis Newsletter
Spring 2020

Arthritis Research Education Series

Presented by our Arthritis Patient Advisory Board. An in-depth look at specific research studies. Our pilot video addresses the popular topic of: Knee Osteoarthritis and Running.

Shooting for the ‘Hole in One’ despite arthritis

Diagnosed with Juvenile Idiopathic arthritis (JIA) at six years of age, Sadiq Jiwa knew early on that he wasn’t going to be able to do all the same things he saw other kids doing.

2020 ARThritis Soirée

Join hosts Fred Lee and Global BC’s Coleen Christie for a fabulous night to benefit life-saving arthritis research.

Early bird tickets are on sale now! We look forward to welcoming you to a great evening featuring Bill Henderson, lead singer and guitarist of Chilliwack!

Mental Health - it is just as important as physical health

We know now that by the time people are diagnosed with arthritis, there is already a high percentage struggling with depression.

Patient Perspective, Growing in Importance

A member of Arthritis Research Canada’s Patients Interested in Arthritis Research (PIRA) shares her experience living with rheumatoid arthritis at the American College of Rheumatology conference.