The Arthritis Newsletter

Spring 2011

Fathers with Arthritis

By Nadia Prestley


Contrary to a popular belief that arthritis is a disease of old age, the onset of arthritis can begin at a young age. In fact, many parents living with arthritis have children under the age of 21. Catharine Backman (Research Scientist at The Arthritis Research Centre of Canada and Associate Professor, Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy at the University of British Columbia) has completed a research study on “Mothers with Arthritis” in which mothers identified many important issues. These findings will be used to inform occupational therapy, rehabilitation, and social services aimed at helping people with arthritis to do the everyday tasks that are important to them – in this case, parenting.


Findings will also inform a new study: “Fathers with Arthritis”, that will be used to compare the experiences of men and women in parenting with arthritis. As a consumer collaborator on this project, I invite you to read more about the “Fathers with Arthritis” study. If you are a dad with arthritis and would like to share your experience in parenting, please call the numbers listed below. Or, if you know someone who would like to share his experience, please pass this information on to him.


It is hard to imagine a more important and rewarding form of social and personal engagement than good parenting. Your contribution to our research can help us to refine our knowledge of parenting needs and aid us in designing better systems of support.


Nadia Prestley
Consumer Advisory Board
Arthritis Research Centre of Canada


To participate or to get more information, contact:
Catherine, Principal Investigator:

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